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Required Credit / STAAR

graduation credit requirements

Grad Requirements
2018 Seniors (& beyond) must successfully complete the following course credits (and pass required STAAR tests) on the Foundations with Endorsements Graduation Plan (Distinguished Level of Achievement college preparatory plan).
  • 4 English credits
  • 4 Math credits (including Alg.1, Geom., & either Alg.2 or Algebraic Reasoning)
  • 4 Science credits (must include Biology, plus either IPC, Chemistry, or Physics)
  • 3 Social Studies credits (must include Govt./Econ., US History, plus either World Geography or World History)
  • 2 Languages other than English  
  • 1 P.E. credit (or Athl., or Substitute)
  • 1 Fine Arts credit 
  • 6 Electives credits 
Students are also required to choose an endorsement (see the information listed below). 
More details are listed in SAISD's High School Educational Planning & Course Guide.

STAAR Tests & Testing Calendar



The State of Texas requires all students to successfully complete required credits, as well as pass the following STAAR tests:

  • STAAR English I
  • STAAR English II
  • STAAR Algebra I
  • STAAR Biology
  • STAAR U.S. History

For students who struggle on these tests, Lake View High School offers a variety STAAR Remediation opportunities during the school year as well as during the summer.

Test and re-test opportunities occur in the Spring, Summer and December of each school year. 

Specific STAAR testing dates are available at the SAISD website.





Students on the college-prep graduation plan are also required to choose (and meet the requirements of) at least one of the following:

  • STEM Endorsement (Sci,, Techn., Engineering, & Math) - for students who plan to take additional/advanced math, science, computer science and/or robotics courses.
  • Arts & Humanities Endorsement - for students who plan to take several Fine Arts, Foreign Languages, or Social Studies courses.
  • Public Service Endorsement- for students who plan to take JROTC I-IV, or several Career/Technology classes in 1 or more of the following areas:  Education Training, Criminal Justice, Health Science, &/or Human Services
  • Business & Industry Endorsement - for students who plan to take advanced Debate, Newspaper and/or Yearbook classes, or... several Career & Technology courses in 1 or more of the following areas:  Ag., Business/ Finance, Techn./Computer, Construction/Architecture, Work Co-op, Marketing, Hospitality/Tourism, &/or Auto Tech/Collision.
  • Multi-Disciplinary Endorsement - for students who plan to earn an additional 1.0 Social Studies credit or 4.0 AP/Dual Credit credits.

More specific details about each endorsement are listed in the High School Educational Planning & Course Guide at SAISD's website.

Academic Honors


Although it is not mandatory, students can earn additional academic honors such as...

1. Distinguished Level of Achievement by graduating on Foundations Plan with...

  • least one Endorsement
  • least 4 Science credits
  • least 4 Math credits (including Alg.2)

2.  Performance Acknowledgements in any of the following areas :

  • Dual Credit - accumulate 12 hours (4 courses) of college credit with B or higher
  • AP - Score a 3 or higher on AP Exam
  • PSAT - Achieve National Merit, Commended, Natl. Hispanic or Natl. Achievement Scholar status
  • Aspire (Pre-ACT) - recognized as College Ready in 2 or more subjects
  • SAT - Math + E.B. Reading/Writing = 1310
  • ACT - Composite score of 28 or higher
  • Bilingual/Biliteracy - 3 on AP For.Lang. test, or B or higher in For.Lang. 1, 2,& 3; or in For.Lang. 4
  • National or International recognized Business/Industry Certificate or License